Welcome to the Heritage JV Cheerleading Blog. Here you can find information on what's going on, practice schedules, etc. If you have any questions please email me at hannahcoach@gmail.com

Try Out Clinic: March 12th from 8:30 - 10:30 am & HHS
Come see what a cheer try out would look like. We will review cheers, chants, jumps and more. All abilities are welcome! There will be no cost.
Mandatory Parent Try Out Meeting: (only need to attend one): March 15th from 6:30 - 7:30 pm at HHS in the 2nd floor Lecture Hall & April 2nd from 10:45 - 11:45 am at HHS in the 2nd floor Lecture Hall
Added Try Out Clinic: April 2nd from 8:30 - 10:30 am at HHS in the Auxiliary Gym. $10.00 fee
Mandatory Try Outs: (Must have a updated physical to try out) April 4th - 7th from 4:30 - 6:30 pm at HHS in the Auxiliary Gym.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Please Remember:

HHS JV Cheer practices are to be solely the cheerleaders and the coach. If you arrive early to pick your daughter up please wait outside or in the hallway outside of the gym. Please utilize this two hour time frame to run errands and have time to yourself!! This is to the benefit of the team and thanks for your understanding.
**If for any reason you wish to sit in on a part of practice it must be approved through me prior to doing so.

RME Stunting on Fridays: This class ENDS at 4:45. This means you need to have your ride there ready to pick you up at 4:45, not call them when you're done and wait 20+ minutes for them to come get you. If time is an issue you need to work out a carpool with those wonderful parents that have offered to drive. I do not have time to sit around and wait for your rides to pick you up.

Incoming Freshmen: I understand that your 8th grade continuations are approaching (week of May 20). If they conflict with a practice night, you are EXPECTED to arrive at practice as quickly as you can as soon as the continuation is over.

For example: Euclid's 8th grade continuation is on the 20th at 2:30 so this will NOT interfere with practice and you are expected to be at practice.

Powell's 8th grade continuation is May 21st from 5:30 to 6:30...and practice is until 8:30, therefore you should be able to make it to the high school for the majority of practice.

The reason for this is: Camp is quickly approaching and it is too close to camp to be missing practices. I dont want you to fall behind because I want you to succeed at camp!!

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