I still need chair persons for the following committees. Please don't shy away from the "chair" position title it's just a person I can directly work/communicate with to get done what needs to get done. There are 11 committees and 14 girls so if each of you could take charge of one area that would be greatly helpful to me and the team. Please email me with your 1st 2nd and 3rd choice of committee chairs. First come, first served and then I will assign spots. :)
-Social Team/Parent Bonding-These people will coordinate social activities for both athletes and parents.
-Fundraisers: These people will set up the fundraisers, monitor, advise, and report results back to Coach.
-Car Pools to Competitions: These people will set up, coordinate, and send out reminders regarding car pools to each competition.
-Car Pools to RME: These people will set up, coordinate, and send out reminders regarding carpools to RME
-Breakfasts/Brunch for competitions: These people will set up and coordinate breakfast/brunch for each competition.
-Homecoming Decorations: Self explanatory
-Homecoming Float: Self explanatory
-Year End Banquet: These people will coordinate the banquet (location, money, menu, decorating, senior gifts, etc.) They will work with the Varsity Banquet coordinators for all of this.
-Western Welcome Week/Prom: Help with parade preperations and Afterprom decorations
Thanks for all of your help in advance. Working together on all of these projects will help make a very fun and successful program for the girls.
-Coach Hannah
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