Welcome to the Heritage JV Cheerleading Blog. Here you can find information on what's going on, practice schedules, etc. If you have any questions please email me at hannahcoach@gmail.com

Try Out Clinic: March 12th from 8:30 - 10:30 am & HHS
Come see what a cheer try out would look like. We will review cheers, chants, jumps and more. All abilities are welcome! There will be no cost.
Mandatory Parent Try Out Meeting: (only need to attend one): March 15th from 6:30 - 7:30 pm at HHS in the 2nd floor Lecture Hall & April 2nd from 10:45 - 11:45 am at HHS in the 2nd floor Lecture Hall
Added Try Out Clinic: April 2nd from 8:30 - 10:30 am at HHS in the Auxiliary Gym. $10.00 fee
Mandatory Try Outs: (Must have a updated physical to try out) April 4th - 7th from 4:30 - 6:30 pm at HHS in the Auxiliary Gym.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Due Today!

S"COOL FUNDRAISER IS DUE TODAY. Your orders need to be tallied, all checks need to be made out to HHS, and your name (athlete) needs to be written on the memo line.

CAMP FEE IS DUE ALSO IN THE AMOUNT OF $350.00. ALL CHECKS NEED TO BE MADE OUT TO HHS. Some of you have inquired about having a credit from the previous year. Please contact Steve Shelton at: SShelton@lps.k12.co.us He will work with you to get it resolved. However, your success with S'cool

Fundraising can be used as a credit towards the $350.00 camp fee!

You receive 40% of your total sales.Please contact me with any question, thanks.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

FINAL JV Tryouts

For anyone interested there will be a final JV Tryout on Monday, May 3rd for Heritage Cheerleading from 6:30 to 8:30pm.

This will be at Heritage High School in the C-Gym

If you have any questions please email me at hannahcoach@gmail.com

(If you are currently on the team, you do not need to re-tryout)
Reminders For The Coming Days

1. S'cool Fundraiser is due this Thursday, April 29th. Your orders need to be tallied, all checks need to be made out to HHS, and your name (athlete) needs to be written on the memo line.

2. There will be heritage shorts, tshirts, sweatshirts etc available for sale at practice on thursday. If you are interested in buying any of them please bring cash or check. Limited availability on sizes and styles.

3. On Thursday, April 29th, please come to practice through the back door of the c gym. There will be a band assembly going on in the main gym and we don't want to interrupt.

4. Your camp fee of $350.00 is due on Thursday, April 29th or Monday, May 3rd at the latest. Please make your check payable to HHS. Thank you.

5. See you tonight at practice! Remember to bring your mouthguards (as always) and the awesome attitudes you had on monday night! :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Practices start this week!!

Please have your mouthguard at ALL practices.

We will leave RME at 5:45 and head straight to the school to begin practice until 8:30.

Fundraisers end Thursday the 29th!! Sell Sell Sell, 30 items per girl is our goal and I KNOW we can do it :)

We will be holding tryouts tomorrow for those who are not currently on the squad so those interested will be practicing with us tomorrow night from 6:30 to 8:30.

Every girl must bring a roll of blue or green painters tape tomorrow either to RME or practice afterwards. If you want to know why, find the post below about post prom decorations.

I will be gathering camp clothes sizes (t-shirt and soffe short) tomorrow so please come to practice prepared to tell me.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fundraiser details

Our fundraiser with S'cool Services ends next Thursday, April 29th.Please have your orders tallied and money collected. All checks need to be made out to HHS and your name (athlete) needs to be written on the memo line. Remember our goal is 30 items per athlete. Sell, sell, sell!

RME Stunting Friday!

RME Stunt is tomorrow (friday) from 3:45 to 4:45!

Please be ON TIME...and if you're 5 minutes early that means you're on time :)

Remember...No Mouthguard = No Participation
(and that just isn't any fun)

See you girls tomorrow, be ready to work hard!

Regular practice starts on Monday...check the calendar below if you haven't already done so.

and SELL SELL SELL SELL on your fundraisers..this is the last weekend to do so.

30 items per girl means good food for all! :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

JV Cheerleading Tryouts!!

Heritage High School JV cheer Team will be holding tryouts on Monday April 26 for those still interested in being a part of the Heritage High School Cheerleading program. These are open to incoming freshman through 12th grade. If you or anybody you know are interested in trying out please pass on this information.

Monday April 26 from 6:30 to 8:30 at Heritage High School.

Girls attending please prepare yourselves for jumps, motions, possible tumbling, dancing, cheers etc. Please also make up a cheer of your own to present to me that night.

If you have any questions hannahcoach@gmail.com is the best way to contact me.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Snacks Drinks and Water Still Needed!!

We are still in need of snacks, drinks & water for Laura, the Arapahoe cheerleader and her family. Please bring your donations to RME Monday or you can bring them by the high school during Varsity practice on Tuesday anytime from 5 to 7. It is greatly appreciated, thank you!!!

After Prom Help

We need LOTS AND LOTS of green and blue painters tape for the after prom decorations. If each girl can bring at least one roll (more if you want) to practice this week or next it should be covered.

All Cheer Parents:
You are invited May 7th @ 3pm to help decorate the areas of the school for afterprom. Cheerleading is in charge of three seperate areas so the more help the merrier. It is also a great opportunity for you to get to know some of the other parents both JV and Varsity. It's super fun decorating the school and really neat to see the outcome. So stop in and help for as long as you'd like, I'm sure the veteran parents would love the extra help. :)

Email if you have questions :)

I hope you all had a great weekend!!

-Coach Hannah

****Please remember to check the blog twice a day (morning and night) so you dont miss any important info.

****I have also figured out how to post the practice calendar at the bottom of the blog. Check this daily as well for new updates and such, I will try to update it as soon as possible when I have new information.

RME Practice Tomorrow

Reminder RME Tumbling starts tomorrow!

If you havent done so already, go to the RME website www.rmecheer.com and fill out the new customer registration form completely and click submit.

Also, bring your check for $110.00 ($50 for registration and $60 for the first month)

Please arrive early so that all of this can be taken care of before our tumbling time begins so we get the full hour. Be ready to work hard and wear T-shirt, shorts and a sports bra. Bring a water bottle and wear appropriate cheer (tennis) shoes.

If you arranged with me for the carpool:

Kim Potts (katie's mom) will be picking the following girls up at Heritage tomorrow at 4:10 in the student lot by the main entrance. Please do not be late or you will be left:

Katie Potts
Kelsey Leffel
Mary Sholl
Amethyst Smallwood
Chelsea Tjarks

**If you are not on this list you are responsible for your own ride to RME**

Remember to SELL SELL SELL on your fundraisers...lets hit that 30 items per girl goal :)

Please email me with any questions!! hannahcoach@gmail.com

-Coach hannah

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ashley F, Kelsey L, Brittany J

Ashley Fessler, Kelsey Leffel, and Brittany Jones Only:

We are meeting at 3:30 at the tables outside of the 2nd floor lecture hall tomorrow (Friday, April 16)

Get Selling on those Fundraisers!!!


Our goal is 30 items per person!! Sell Sell Sell and we get dinner!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

RME Stunt/Tumble Registration

After talking to the owners at RME they said the easiest thing for us to do as a team was to have each parent register their daughter online PRIOR to the first class on monday.

To do this you can go to www.rmecheer.com and click on the new customer registration.

Here is the link that should take you straight to the registration page:

Fill out the entire form online and submit it then they will just print out a registration list and be able to check you off and collect your payment when we have tumbling on Monday.

Thanks!! :)

Reminder: It is a one time registration fee of $50.00 PLUS the $60.00 monthly fee that is due on Monday. It is tumbling on Monday so you do not need your mouthguards until Friday.

Arapahoe High School Cheerleader and family need HHS Support.

Cheerleaders & Parents

One of our fellow Cheerleaders and her family need our help. Laura, a Cheer at Arapahoe High School, is at Littleton Hospital in serious condition and currently unable to receive visitors. The Heritage Cheer program would like to show our support for Laura and her family by taking some cards, signed by all of us, and snacks, cookies/snacks & drinks to the hospital for her family. As her condition improves I would hope that some of us can plan to visit her either in the hospital or at home.

I will be coordinating with Linda Corrigan, one of our Heritage moms, regarding this activity. If you are willing to donate a snack or drinks please bring them to the uniform fitting tomorrow (Thursday, April 15). Thank you in advance for your participation, thoughts and prayers for this fellow Cheerleader.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cheerleading Parent Committees


I still need chair persons for the following committees. Please don't shy away from the "chair" position title it's just a person I can directly work/communicate with to get done what needs to get done. There are 11 committees and 14 girls so if each of you could take charge of one area that would be greatly helpful to me and the team. Please email me with your 1st 2nd and 3rd choice of committee chairs. First come, first served and then I will assign spots. :)

-Social Team/Parent Bonding-These people will coordinate social activities for both athletes and parents.

-Fundraisers: These people will set up the fundraisers, monitor, advise, and report results back to Coach.

-Car Pools to Competitions: These people will set up, coordinate, and send out reminders regarding car pools to each competition.

-Car Pools to RME: These people will set up, coordinate, and send out reminders regarding carpools to RME

-Breakfasts/Brunch for competitions: These people will set up and coordinate breakfast/brunch for each competition.

-Homecoming Decorations: Self explanatory

-Homecoming Float: Self explanatory

-Year End Banquet: These people will coordinate the banquet (location, money, menu, decorating, senior gifts, etc.) They will work with the Varsity Banquet coordinators for all of this.

-Western Welcome Week/Prom: Help with parade preperations and Afterprom decorations

Thanks for all of your help in advance. Working together on all of these projects will help make a very fun and successful program for the girls.

-Coach Hannah

Meeting Recap

JV Tumbling/Stunting Practice Begins April 19th @ 4:45 at RME.
(carpools are currently being organized, if you DO NOT have a ride to RME please email me (coach Hannah) immediately)

Tumbling/Stunting schedule will remain the same throughout the summer and entire school year.
Tumbling: Mondays 4:45 to 5:45
Stunting: Fridays 3:45 to 4:45 (required mouthguard)

**Monday April 19th: you must bring with you the signed registration form from the website (www.rmecheer.com) as well as the $50.00 registration fee and $60.00 first months payment.**
-this is paid directly to RME

Cheerleading Camp will be June 8 to 11 in Boulder. Camp payment of $350.00 is due May 1st.

Summer Vacay is from June 14 to July 26. If you are in town you are EXPECTED to be at tumbling/stunting. Please notify me by email if and when you will be out of town during that time.

Mandatory Stunt/Choreography Camp will be announced as soon as Dates are set. (Early august)

Competitions will be Saturdays in November and the JV invitational in December.

FUNDRAISER IS IN PROGRESS!! SELL SELL SELL!! All of your profits go directly to your account!!
Sale Ends APRIL 26th

Financial Expectations: Expenses will be calculated and distributed to each parent as well as the payment schedule asap with exception to the $350.00 due May 1st.

Calendar will be posted as soon as I can figure out how to do that!! :)

Please remember to check the blog in the morning AND evening every single day so that you don't miss important information.

(Brittany Jones, Ashley Fessler, Kelsey Leffel be there @ 3:45)

It was so great to meet all of you tonight!!

-Coach Hannah

Monday, April 12, 2010

Mandatory Parent/Athlete meeting TUESDAY

Just a reminder that the mandatory athlete meeting is tomorrow evening at 5:00 pm at HHS in the 2nd floor lecture hall. Girls, please bring a notebook and something to write with.

Parents, we will see you at 6:00 pm.

Thank you in advance. We look forward to meeting you.

If you have not yet emailed me (hannahcoach@gmail.com) or Coach Balagna please also bring with your contact information: name, home phone number, cell number, your email address, parent's name(s), parent's cell, & parent's email.

See you tomorrow night!!

-Coach Hannah

Congrats and Welcome JV Cheerleaders!!

Hey Girls (and parents)!!
Welcome to the 2010 - 2011 JV Cheerleading season!!! It's going to be an exciting year.

Please check this blog daily (in the morning and in the evening) for updates. This is very important so that you don't miss any information, changes, or updates regarding what is going on for JV Cheerleading. I will post all important information on the blog. Personal information will be sent to you directly in an e-mail format.

Your first cheer payment is due May 1st in the amount of $350 for the camp fee. Camp is June 8th - 11th. We will be going to camp on the CU/Boulder campus. More information to follow.

Our first fundraiser will start on April 13th. This fundraiser is through S'cool Services. We will be selling cookie dough, Butterbraids, chocolate and many more things. This is typically a very successful fundraiser. If you push yourself, you can cover your entire camp fee with this fundraiser. More information will be given out at the athlete and parent meetings on Tuesday evening.

I'm asking that each athlete wear a month guard to preseason workouts and practices while stunting. Mouth guards can be purchased at Wal-mart, Target or any sporting goods store for a minimal amount. Mouth guards not only protect your teeth, but more importantly can prevent a concussion. Please bring your mouth guard to every preseason workout and practices through out the year.

If you have not done so, please send me your name, home phone number, cell number, your email address, parent's name(s), parent's cell, & parent's email.

I am so excited to have you as part of this team...it's going to be a GREAT year. :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tryout Results!

Athletes with the following numbers have made the following teams:


2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, & 36

8, 9, 11, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 30, 32, 33, & 35


We are looking forward to a great year.

The first mandatory program meeting (both Varsity & JV athletes) will be Tuesday, April 13th at 5:00 pm in the 2nd Floor Lecture Hall. A mandatory parent meeting will follow at 6:00 pm. This meeting will also be in the 2nd Floor Lecture Hall.

See you Tuesday!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cheerleading Tryouts!!

Heritage High School Cheerleading Tryouts will be held April 6th - 9th from 4:oopm to 6:00pm in the auxiliary gym.

A current physical MUST be on file prior to tryouts in order to participate. The physical form can be found at http://heritage.littletonpublicschools.net/ under activities then click the sports link. If you have a current/valid physical on file you must obtain a copy of it before you can participate.