Welcome to the Heritage JV Cheerleading Blog. Here you can find information on what's going on, practice schedules, etc. If you have any questions please email me at hannahcoach@gmail.com

Try Out Clinic: March 12th from 8:30 - 10:30 am & HHS
Come see what a cheer try out would look like. We will review cheers, chants, jumps and more. All abilities are welcome! There will be no cost.
Mandatory Parent Try Out Meeting: (only need to attend one): March 15th from 6:30 - 7:30 pm at HHS in the 2nd floor Lecture Hall & April 2nd from 10:45 - 11:45 am at HHS in the 2nd floor Lecture Hall
Added Try Out Clinic: April 2nd from 8:30 - 10:30 am at HHS in the Auxiliary Gym. $10.00 fee
Mandatory Try Outs: (Must have a updated physical to try out) April 4th - 7th from 4:30 - 6:30 pm at HHS in the Auxiliary Gym.

Sunday, March 6, 2011



Many of you have RSVP'd to the banquet and we thank you.
If you have not paid, Emily Guldy needs your payment by tomorrow, Monday, March 7th at the latest. We will not be taking any money at the door so please submit your payment.

Please contact Mrs. Guldy (303.917.3664) to make arrangements to deliver your check to her.

Coach Hannah

Euclid/Goddard Jr. Highs

On Tuesday, March 8th, we will be handing out fliers to the 8th graders at Euclid Middle School. Please be there no later than 2:30 pm in your "Heritage" uniform WITH liner and your hair as you would like. Mrs. Donohue will be there with the fliers. Please look for her near the front doors.

On Wednesday, March 9th, we will be doing the same thing at Goddard. Please be there at 2:30 pm in your "Heritage" uniform with liner. There are two exits we will want to stand at. Thanks girls. I appreciate it!


We will need each girl on the Varsity and JV Cheer Teams to donate 2 Rolls of Blue Painters Tape. This is the only tape that the school will allow us to use to hang things for Prom Decorations. We have already revised our list a little since the parent meeting. I will plan to bring a box for donations to the Banquet if anyone would like to bring there items that evening.
12 Blue Plastic Table Cloths (Dollar Store)

8 Rolls of Clear Celo Wrap

4 Cans of Silver Metallic Spray Paint

10 Sheets of White Tag Board (Dollar Store)

Any monitary donation is also greatly appreciated.

Thank you, Missy

Saturday, February 26, 2011

We need girls to hand out fliers to the Jr. Highs next week after school to promote our Try Out Clinic on March 12th and Tryouts on April 4th - 8th.

If you can help out, we would be greatly appreciated. It would consist of 15 - 20 minutes in uniform.

Plz email Coach B asap if you can help.  jybalagna@comcast.net 

More information will follow.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

-  Look for your invitation for the banquet and RSVP asap. :)

 -  Bills are past due. Plz mail payment to: Jeanie Balagna, 18818 E. Powers Drive, Aurora, CO 80015

Information on Tryout Clinics At RME

If interested, plz see below. All abilities are welcome!

Tryouts are right around the corner and we've already been getting kids coming in asking for help prepping for your tryouts!! Here are the upcoming dates and times for Pretryout clinics at RME and MHE to help prepare incoming athletes as well as those who are just looking to improve there skills for next season!!

Pre-tryout Clinics at Rocky Mountain Elite

Saturday, February 19 10am-12pm
Saturday, February 26 10am-12pm

Saturday, March 19 10am-12pm
Saturday, March 26 10am-12pm

The cost is $30 and the focus will be on dance, jumps, motions, tumbling and stunting!!

Please call Shaun at RME with questions. Number is:303-799-6920

Monday, February 14, 2011

Tuesday, Feb. 15

Please wear your ASSIGNED UNIFORM to school tomorrow w/ liner. It is your last game this season.

For game:
Please be there at 5:00 GAME ready to stretch and warm up. If lower gym is open go on down there, if not we will be in C-Gym (rock climbing gym)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Be at heritage at 5 in the lower gym game ready to stretch and warm up. No stunts no tumbling. Ms. Dagg is in charge. Have fun and cheer hard! :)
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Please meet in the lower gym at 430 game ready!

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Year End Cheerleading Banquet

Due to scheduling issues, the banquet has been rescheduled for March 10th at 6:00 pm at the Columbine Country Club. An Evite invitation will follow shortly. Thanks.


Though our season seems to be coming to an end we have one last exciting event to put on.... PROM!!!!
April 29th and 30th will be Heritage's Prom and after Prom Party. Many of you know this is quit an amazing event. We are committed to creating an outstanding, fun, safe environment for our children. Most everything is donated and many, many volunteer hours are needed. Please plan to get involved in some way so that our hallway can be one of the best!!
Look for more information about this exiting event at our Parent meeting on Thursday Feb. 10th

Missy Hart

Friday, February 4, 2011

Please be at Heritage at 5:00 GAME READY to cheer! see you then :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Unified Game

Waiting on details...

As of now we ARE cheering.

Be at Heritage GAME READY in EAGLES uniform w/ liner and bow @ 6:30.
-If you are late you will sit out first quarter

Please check blog in the morning as there may be changes to this agenda.

Game starts at 7:00. (Thursday Night)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Parents, Mark your calendars!

Final Cheer Parent Meeting is on February 10th at 7:00 pm - Location to be announced.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Rme cancelled due to inclement weather and bad roads.
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Friday, January 28, 2011


Bills are PAST DUE! They will be posted to your school accounts the first week of february if they are not recieved by Coach B or myself.

RME Tumbling:

RME Tumbling will continue on Mondays from 3:45 to 4:45 through the month of february if you want to attend. We will be combining with Varsity at this time. You are not required to take this tumbling class. You are also welcome to invite any girls interested in trying out for the 2011-2012 HHS Cheer Program grades 8 through 11. It's a good opportunity for them to become familiar with some of you girls and the coaches as well as get a little experience in before tryouts. This is a great opportunity for all so please consider it!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thursday and Friday


Wrestling match is @ 7:00pm, please arrive at 6:45 game ready!! (review your wrestling cheers this week :) )


Ashley C

You are invited to cheer at the VARSITY basketball game on Friday!! This is a great opportunity for you girls and I expect nothing less than 100% from you at the game.

(Ashley F, Mary H, Alisha, Aubrey will attend in warmups but will sit together and support your team)

Please be at Heritage @ 6:20pm in your warmup jackets and pants with your Eagles shell under, no liner (you will get too warm) Hair all the way up in pony and a bow. You will be meeting Alina to go through cheers for the Varsity game. She will be cheering with you at this game.

I also need a parent who will be able to supervise this game. Please send me an email to let me know :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

If you are scheduled to cheer tomorrow please arrive at heritage at 5 game ready.
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Friday, January 21, 2011

No cheering at the game tonight. Enjoy the dance!
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Thursday, January 20, 2011


JV: Wear your eagles uniform w/ liner

Varsity: Meet at 7:20 in c-gym competition ready!! See you in the a.m. :)

Calendar Correction:

JV Wrestling starts at 7:00pm instead of 6pm. Girls still need to be there at 5 Game ready.

Please be at Heritage @ 5:00 game ready today to go over wrestling cheers and prepare for the match. If you are late there will be consequences.

-Coach Hannah

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Message from Coach Balagna:

Dear JV Cheers and Parents,

I know many of you are unhappy and disappointed because the JV Cheers are not
performing in this Friday’s Winter Pep. Coach Hannah and myself are disappointed
too and we share your frustration. With cheerleading being the ultimate “team sport”,
circumstances like this can happen. To keep every athlete safe, decisions had to be made.
We as coaches must follow certain policies and procedures to insure the safety and well
being of each athlete.

I appreciate your dedication, hard work, effort, and the time you have given to the
program. It does not go unnoticed. In ten years of coaching, I’ve never seen a team go
through more difficult obstacles and come out on top in a matter of days or even hours.
Not to mention the outstanding job at Leagues, UCA, and State! It goes to show you the
dedication and commitment of the athletes and their coach.

I would ask that the parents and athletes carry themselves in high regard during this
unfortunate circumstance. I hope we will all move forward and learn from the situation.

If you would like to discuss the matter further, please contact me.

Thank you,
Coach Balagna

JV Cheers:

You are all welcome to Varsity practice tomorrow (wednesday) to learn wrestling cheers with one of the varsity girls. Please check the varsity blog or talk with a varsity cheer about what time. I am encouraging that you attend as we have a wrestling match THURSDAY! :)

Bills are PAST due and any outstanding bills will be posted to your daughter's school account after the first week of February.

Friday, January 14, 2011


JV Cheers will not be performing at the Winter Pep assembly.

Because of the missed practices and a member of the team being suspended and we will not be able to relearn and safely perform a routine by Friday.

Please remind each other and yourselves to make smart decisions and don't put yourselves into situations where you may feel peer pressured.

There will be no practice on Monday and you can enjoy your day off.

Please be at the school on Tuesday @ 4:45 in uniform GAME ready to get stunts and cheers together :)
I don't believe there is RME for the Holiday but I will update you on this once I find out.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

No Practice until Monday night. We may have a double practice monday night if gym is available to get ready for assembly. For ex. practice from 4 to 5:30 and a break from 5:30 to 6:30 and practice 6:30 to 8.

Please be at the school Game ready tomorrow (friday) ready to stretch @ 5:00pm

Wear your Uniforms to school w/ liner. If you are cold bring your warm ups to wear over them.

Thanks girls.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

No Practice Tomorrow (Thursday)

No practice tomorrow after school. Please arrive at Heritage tomorrow night @ 6:00 GAME READY to stretch and work on cheers before the game.

We will be in the Lower gym. Varsity will be practicing so please be quiet.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tentative practices posted up through Winter Pep assembly.

Still waiting for times/dates to be verified by the athletic office so the practices that have not been set in stone have ?? before them on the calendar. Please plan on having practices at these times on these days and as soon as I know we have space I will remove the ?? in them.

Also a reminder:

If you are sitting at a game due to ineligibility or an injury. you need to be sitting together supporting your team IN UNIFORM. You need to be "cheering" with the other girls and showing your commitment to the team. This is expected of you at all games listed on the blog unless an absence has been approved by me AT LEAST 24 hours in advance. If it is an emergency I need to be notified as soon as possible.
Please remember that bills are now past.due. you can pay coach b or myself.

Please be at the school at 440 game ready. Hair in pony bangs pinned back with a bow. We will wear liners.
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Monday, January 3, 2011

We will not cheer at the game tonight because of RME conflict

I will also not be at RME because I have a work meeting.

Practice schedule will be posted sometime tomorrow for the next week or so.
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